
Free CSS Layouts

Many times when I’m looking through places like Craigslist for work I see people advertising for templates for their websites. These people presumably have enough skill to plug in the data into each page of their site if they have the first page to use as a template and are looking to buy the first […]

Spiffy Box – Easily Make Rounded Corners in CSS

category web design

Here’s a great idea from spiffybox.com It’s an automated way to create the code and image needed to make rounded corner boxes for your website. It’s a very cool tool. More…

More Good CSS Tools

category web design

From Smashing Magazine a modern magazine for web-designers and developers comes a very extensive List of CSS Tools. I have tried many of these tools and find them to work well and to be very useful. It never hurts to simplify your work if you can. More…

Using CSS To Replace Tables

category web design

Eric Costello has written A resource for web designers and developers who want to learn CSS layout techniques to replace archaic table-based web page layouts. There are many good pages about using CSS to replace tables all over the web, but Eric has collected the best ones and put them together in one place. I […]

Understanding CSS Specificity

category web design

Jonathan Snook writes a very good post about a subject that I find particularly tricky, CSS Specificity. This is especially true for external style sheets where the same style sheet will control many pages with different attributes. He presents a easy to understand solution with information on the different types of selectors and when and […]

CSS Tips

category web design

I guess that you live and learn, but Christopher Scott has written a post called “10 CSS Tips You Might Not Have Known About”. It’s something he wished someone would?ve told him when hefirst started designing in CSS. After reading the list I wish it too. There are some easy and sensible tips that I […]

Static and dynamic CSS combined

category Information

Emil Stenstr?m is a computer science student writing about web development. He has written a very good article explaining dynamic css. Don’t know what dynamic css is?, Well read on More…

Nice CSS How-To and Template site

category Information

CSS started out as a means to replace the font element. In the meantime, it has grown to a powerful layout language. Even though it is not fully supported by all of the browsers, I believe it will be one day. As with HTML, a working group exists for CSS who concerns itself with development […]


category web design

CSS and web design galleries are great. But there are so damn many of them. Wouldn’t it be nice to have one site to visit, and one feed to subscribe to. Here’s a site that does that, it’s well worht a try. CSS Galleries makes your life easier by aggregating the major design showcases into […]

HTML and CSS: An Absolute Beginner’s Guide

category Information

Here is another great guide to starting your own website. It’s geared toward beginners, but there is plenyt of information for everyone. So, you’re ready to take the plunge and begin to learn how to build your own web pages and sites? Fantastic! We’ve got quite a ride ahead, so I hope you’re feeling adventurous. […]

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