
How Much Information Does Google Have On You?

category Information

I often think about how much information is collected and shared about me about my online activities. I try to keep myself as anonymous as possible when browsing. I use Firefox, keep cookies turned off except where necessary and then only allow them for the session so they get deleted as soon as I close […]

Is It Worth It To Give Away Information?

category web design

In a previous post I wrote about giving away free information. How it helps your standing in the eyes of customers and search engines. I recently drove about 300 miles to meet with a potential client. My first thought when they asked to meet with me was that they had mentioned in the beginning that […]

Free Is Good

category web design

Scott Ginsberg is an author and speaker who wears a nametag 24/7 to make people friendlier. He recently wrote a post called “The power of FREE?” I am a big fan of Free. Some of the biggest sites on the Internet have been built by giving away free stuff (Google). So what can you or […]

Free Webmaster Tools

category web design

iWEBTOOL has free Webmaster tools including seo tools. It’s a very good way to find out how good your website ranks. On this site there are: Google PageRank Prediction Visual PageRank Backlink Checker All-in-One Lookup Link Popularity PageRank Checker Search Engine Position Website Speed Test Rank Checker Google Banned Checker I would recommend that you […]

How To Use Craigslist To Find New CLients

category Social

I recently got in touch with a high school classmate of mine. Barb Girson is an International Direct Selling expert, trainer and coach who recently set sail with her own business called mysalestactics.com. We had a few emails back and forth and an interesting conversation about where we have been and what works in promoting […]

Does Your Business Website Generate Business?

category web design

I can’t tell you how many sites that I have seen and made where the owner puts up a site and expects the world (with billions of web pages to visit) to beat a path to their door. They never make any changes or even look at it and then wonder why it fails to […]

Give Away Your Product To Make Money?

category web design

One of the many questions that I ask myself about this business is whether I should give away free information to promote myself. I have written about this quite a bit and the answer I always seem to come up with is yes. I usually talk about giving away electronic information that really costs you […]

Boogie Jack Needs Some Help

category Information,web design

I have been reading Dennis Gaskill’s (aka Boogie Jack) newsletter for almost 10 years now. Even though I have only emailed him a couple of times over the years I feel like he’s a good friend. He provides his readers with good free information including web design tutorials, free web graphics, search sngine optimization and […]

Some Random Thoughts on Wednesday

category Information,web design

When sending email for marketing if you offer some good free information along with your ad it’s much more likely that your recipient will open it and read it. Plus if they know from experience that there may be something useful for them in your mail they will be much more inclined to look at […]

Help For Small Businesses

category Information

When I’m looking for help for my business the first place I usually go is to the Small Business Administration Website. They have so much help for free including, taxes, advertising and many other resources. You could spend days just poking around their site. I have found that you can usually trust the US government’s […]

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