
Another What Not To Do Email

November 5, 2009 - Filed under: Information — Tags:

I got a junk email the other day. I knew it was junk mail the second that I looked at it.

I was just going to delete it, but then I actually read it and decided it would make a good blog post.

Dear Webmaster,
I have visited your site http://www.lillicotch.com and found it quite impressive.

My guess is here that if you HAD actually visited my site you would know that my name is not Webmaster.

I am in the process of building up a business wrapped about my website and I am looking for some inbound linking to grow my page-rank.

Why should I care about what you want?

If you could link to my site I would be much appreciative. You probably receive quick a few link requests a month so I would really appreciate it if you could help me out by adding my site with this information.

The link to information and the from email address were different, so I’m assuming that this spam was sent by a supposed “SEO” company for their client. If I were the client I don’t think I would like this kind of tactic.

Since it’s an SEO company they probably know that link exchanges are devalued these days, so they are just telling you to give them a link. They’re not offering anything in return for your link, but you never know, this tactic may work.

They might get a link back every couple of hundred thousand emails.

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