WordPress SEO Plugins
- I was thinking about purchasing the WordPress plugin SEO Ultimate pro any thoughts on this plugin.
- I don’t use these kind of plugins. I believe that it’s more important to pay attention to your human visitors than the bots
- This plugin seems to be #1 https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/
- No matter which one you choose, try the free first, I wouldn’t pay, unless you’re sure it’s helping make you more money.
- You can always uninstall anything.
- Have you considered writing some new posts, like a blog or news. Tell some stories, add new content. That will help more.
I’ve used Yoast for a few of my client websites that can be seen below:
It’s a free plugin and does a pretty good job. I often recommend it.
Comment by Vincent Pierce — September 10, 2017 @ 12:02 pm