
DRM Doesn’t Work Either

I wrote in my last post that DRM Sucks and it does, but it also doesn’t work. I believe that every resource that you dedicate to fighting Pirates is completely wasted. Put it ALL to your fans & they’ll help you. Denuvo DRM Cracked within a Day of Release


DRM SUCKS and it’s never worked EFF Resigns From W3C After DRM In HTML Is Approved In Secret Vote

Sending bulk email ✉

✉ Some simple advice if you’re sending an email newsletter or ad: Most folks don’t see your pictures. Make sure they have good *alt* tags #TellitLikeItIs Bullets are really good. Everyone sees those & people love ’em

WordPress SEO Plugins

I was thinking about purchasing the WordPress plugin SEO Ultimate pro any thoughts on this plugin. I don’t use these kind of plugins. I believe that it’s more important to pay attention to your human visitors than the bots This plugin seems to be #1 https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/ No matter which one you choose, try the free […]

Just some email advertising advice

Got an email today from Magic Jack, a company I tried for a couple of days when I was looking for a replacement for the T-Mobile VOIP phone service (I loved). It was more than a few years ago. I didn’t like the Magic Jack service very much, tried several and decided on the OBI […]

Computer and mobile screens are NOT print media

Got a monthly newsletter from my neighborhood today. It comes in the way of an email with a pdf attached. I don’t mind, I signed up for the emails, but I hate their newsletter. It’s bright and shiny and looks really professional, but what I hate is the newsletter comes in a two column format. […]

Moto E review

I was driving to DC recently and I had a sad experience to start the trip. As I was getting back in the car after a rest stop, I heard a loud crunching sound coming from my back pocket. I knew instantly it was my phone, a Moto X. It was cracked into more pieces […]

Let people help you

One of the things I’ve always believed in is letting your *fans* help you Here’s some of my old stuff  on the subject I’m currently promoting my charity Music For MS I was looking for a high resolution image of the local chapter’s logo to use in my advertising and couldn’t find one. Their National […]

A website is like a flower bed

In the old days having a website was like putting up a brochure. These days a website can’t be static. You have to tend it like a garden. Add in good content and weed out spam

Put you first


One of the things that I have to stress the most if you are running your own website, is to put you first. Don’t get me wrong, sharing is the thing to do now, but you have to write your own content and more importantly, post it on your site first. I see people who […]

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