
Your First Email Campaign – Opt-In only

April 1, 2008 - Filed under: Information,web design — Tags: , ,

I think that an email newsletter is a wonderful way to build your business.
You could do it the easy way and hire me to design and run your campaigns or you can do it yourself.
Either way an email marketing blitz is inexpensive and can still be one of your most effective marketing tools.

There are some important rules for starting any email campaign

Opt-In only

It may be tempting go add the names of everyone that you can find to receive your newsletter, but the best way to go is to have your visitors ask to be placed on your mailing list.

It is important that you make sure that the option to opt-in to your newsletter is prominent, easy to use and on every page of your site, but the only way most people will subscribe is if you offer them something that they really want to receive.

In the case of yesterday’s free samples, where you are requiring the visitors to fill in all of the fields in a form in order to get their sample, I would advise to have an unchecked checkbox for your newsletter subscription.

Some people will say you should have the box prechecked so you get as many subscribers as possible, but I believe that you should make it as easy as possible to let your visitors add themselves to your list, but they should never have to opt-out.

You may say that this kind of thing is just petty, but I believe that it’s usually the small things that you do (or don’t do) that let your visitor know that you are not going to take advantage of their trust. You will definitely get fewer names on your list, but the ones that you get will be your best resource, your fans, so to speak.

When you do send them something they feel is worth passing along they will do so with a recommendation and some passion and that will best help you promote your newsletter, your site and your products and services.

Tomorrow – No Spam


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