
Let people help you

One of the things I’ve always believed in is letting your *fans* help you Here’s some of my old stuff  on the subject I’m currently promoting my charity Music For MS I was looking for a high resolution image of the local chapter’s logo to use in my advertising and couldn’t find one. Their National […]

A website is like a flower bed

In the old days having a website was like putting up a brochure. These days a website can’t be static. You have to tend it like a garden. Add in good content and weed out spam

Put you first


One of the things that I have to stress the most if you are running your own website, is to put you first. Don’t get me wrong, sharing is the thing to do now, but you have to write your own content and more importantly, post it on your site first. I see people who […]

Could this be the solution for payments

If you have a payment (credit card) system at your store you should read this: Former Head of Google Wallet Debuts a Universal Payments Terminal

Big media doesn’t get it

I’ve read on Techdirt many cases where fighting a problem by trying to keep people out just won’t work because of the Internet. Yesterday I tweeted Here’s a thought that says Hollywood doesn’t have a clue how to stay relevant ow.ly/BHT0I Yesterday was also *Talk Like A Pirate Day* Today I’m looking for the Pitt […]

McDonalds and Really Poor Customer Service

I didn’t intend to write about anything today, that is, until McDonalds ruined my morning. I hardly ever go there anymore and apparently I’m not alone. I used to visit quite often and especially like their breakfasts. These days I have cut way way down on my visits because I’m trying to eat healthier. Today, […]

Thank You Everyone for a Wonderful Festival

category Information

What a wonderful, magical day our first Music For MS Festival was last Saturday at Hartwood Acres. The music, food and drink were all wonderful, plus the weather was picture perfect. We should have a preliminary count soon, but fundraising for the MS Society has already gone well beyond our expectations. Our YouTube channel only […]

Last chance for Early Bird Prices

category Information

A Roots Music Festival Aug 16, Hartwood Acres Last chance for Early Bird Prices Special pricing ends June 30 Great Music Food Beer & Wine Please come the website, watch the bands perform and buy tickets http://MusicForMS.org/ 100% of the proceeds go to the Western PA chapter of the National MS Society

Cutting the cord

If you’re considering cutting the cord, there are a ton of choices. It makes it hard to sort it all out. This is a very good TV Streaming Primer I use the Medium TV Watcher plan, with PlayOn.tv and a Roku 3

SEO and SEO Scams

My customer forwarded me this today. He was worried that his website was missing out on tons of traffic. I get millions of this crap, so it’s probably easier for me to spot as spam (I added the stop sign) From: Cool sounding (English) name@gmail.com Subject: Can I give some honest feedback on your website? […]

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